Quick Start (5min)
Use offckb to quickly setup a local dev environment with full-stack dApp boilerplates.
Offckb provides a one-line command to start a local blockchain(CKB Devnet) with pre-funded test accounts and built-in Scripts like Omnilock and Spore-contract.
npm install -g @offckb/cli
Required offckb version >= 0.2.2
Create A New Project
Select from different boilerplates to create your project:
- Command
- Response
offckb create <your-project-name>
? Select a bare template
Remix-Vite Bare Templates
❯ Next.js Bare Templates
A full-stack template with Next.js framework and ckb-script-templates,
Cloning into '/Users/Desktop/offckb/templates/temp-clone-folder'...
Folder examples/next-js-template downloaded successfully from https://github.com/nervosnetwork/docs.nervos.org and moved to /Users/retric/Desktop/docs.nervos.org/your-project-name
Version updated to '0.2.2' in /Users/Desktop/docs.nervos.org/first-project/frontend/offckb.config.ts
By default, the boilerplate is the a full-stack dApps with frontend and scripts(smart contract). If you only want to create and devleop a script project without any frontends, you can use the following commands:
offckb create --script <my-script-project>
doesn't do much things for you. It simply calls the underlying script developing tools called ckb-script-templates and do the jobs for you. You can of course dirrectly use the ckb-script-templates
to init script project directly. Check the script tutorial for more details.
Start the Devnet
- Command
- Response
offckb node
/bin/sh: /Users/nervosDocs/.nvm/versions/node/v18.12.1/lib/node_modules/@offckb/cli/target/ckb/ckb: No such file or directory
/Users/nervosDocs/.nvm/versions/node/v18.12.1/lib/node_modules/@offckb/cli/target/ckb/ckb not found, download and install the new version 0.113.1..
CKB installed successfully.
init Devnet config folder: /Users/nervosDocs/.nvm/versions/node/v18.12.1/lib/node_modules/@offckb/cli/target/devnet
modified /Users/nervosDocs/.nvm/versions/node/v18.12.1/lib/node_modules/@offckb/cli/target/devnet/ckb-miner.toml
CKB output: 2024-03-20 07:56:44.765 +00:00 main INFO sentry sentry is disabled
CKB output: 2024-03-20 07:56:44.766 +00:00 main INFO ckb_bin::helper raise_fd_limit newly-increased limit: 61440
CKB output: 2024-03-20 07:56:44.854 +00:00 main INFO ckb_bin::subcommand::run ckb version: 0.113.1 (95ad24b 2024-01-31)
CKB output: 2024-03-20 07:56:45.320 +00:00 main INFO ckb_db_migration Init database version 20230206163640
CKB output: 2024-03-20 07:56:45.329 +00:00 main INFO ckb_launcher Touch chain spec hash: Byte32(0x3036c73473a371f3aa61c588c38924a93fb8513e481fa7c8d884fc4cf5fd368a)
Your local CKB blockchain is now running. The RPC endpoint is localhost:8114
. Anytime you want to stop the chain, just press CTRL+C
to exit the process in the terminal. Running offckb node
again will strat the chain where it lefts.
If you want to restart over with a clean chain, just run offckb clean
before running offckb node
, the previous chain data will be removed.
Project Structure
The boilerplate project constructs two parts of a full stack CKB dApp:
- One is the frontend part based on the CKB Javascript framework Lumos.
- One is the scripts(smart-contract) part based on the ckb-script-templates.
Script Development
By default, this template comes with a single simple smart contract hello-world
: contracts/hello-world/src/main.rs
The smart contract is written in Rust lang. In order to develop, the following dependencies are required:
and others Unix utilities.Rust
withriscv64 target
:rustup target add riscv64imac-unknown-none-elf
Clang 16+
Check out the ckb-script-templates for more detail.
Add a new script:
make generate
Build script:
make build
Run unit test:
make test
DApp development
The dApp is based on different Javascript web frontend framework like remix-vite
and next.js
, integrated with the CKB Javascript framework Lumos. All the Lumos related code are defined in the frontend/offckb.config.ts
To develop, enter the frontend workspace:
cd frontend
Checkout the README.md
to see how to start the app.
Normally it is something like:
npm i && npm run dev
Deploy Scripts to Blockchain
After building your scripts, you can deploy it with offckb
and the scripts deployed information will automatically get updated in the frontend
config so you don't need to worried about it.
will look for the offckb.config.ts
file to read config information. so you will need to enter the frontend workspace to do the instruction:
cd frontend
offckb deploy --network devnet
If successfully deployed, you will see the deploy script info for your smart contract recorded in the offckb.config.ts
file. You can then directly import and use your smart contract in your frontend Dapp like this:
import offckb from "offckb.config";
import { CellDep } from "@ckb-lumos/lumos";
const lumosConfig = offckb.lumosConfig;
const myContractDep: CellDep = {
outPoint: {
Every time you deploy a new version of your smart contracts, those script infos will be updated by offckb
in the offckb.config.ts
and work out-of-box in your frontend.
You can also deploy smart contracts to the CKB Testnet like this:
cd frontend
offckb deploy --network testnet
Easily Switch Between Different Networks
One of the things you might want to do is to swtich different blockchain networks across the development of your dapps. This can be done by applying different environment variables in the project.
Accroding to your boilerplate, you will switch the CKB blockchain network by applying different environment variables.
Remix-Vite boilerplate
export NETWORK=devnet # or testnet, mainnet
Start the dApp:
yarn dev
NETWORK=devnet yarn dev
Next.js boilerplate
edit .env
NEXT_PUBLIC_NETWORK=testnet # or testnet, mainnet
Start the dApp:
npm run dev
Access Test accounts
has 20 prefund accounts to be used on devnet. Each account is funded with 42_000_000_00000000 capacity in the devnet genesis block. You can access the accounts and copy the private keys and addresses to use when developing your dApps.
- Command
- Response
offckb accounts
Print account list, each account is funded with 42_000_000_00000000 capacity in the devnet genesis block.
- "#": 0
address: ckt1qzda0cr08m85hc8jlnfp3zer7xulejywt49kt2rr0vthywaa50xwsqvwg2cen8extgq8s5puft8vf40px3f599cytcyd8
privkey: 0x6109170b275a09ad54877b82f7d9930f88cab5717d484fb4741ae9d1dd078cd6
pubkey: 0x02025fa7b61b2365aa459807b84df065f1949d58c0ae590ff22dd2595157bffefa
lock_arg: 0x8e42b1999f265a0078503c4acec4d5e134534297
codeHash: 0x9bd7e06f3ecf4be0f2fcd2188b23f1b9fcc88e5d4b65a8637b17723bbda3cce8
hashType: type
args: 0x8e42b1999f265a0078503c4acec4d5e134534297
- "#": 1
address: ckt1qzda0cr08m85hc8jlnfp3zer7xulejywt49kt2rr0vthywaa50xwsqt435c3epyrupszm7khk6weq5lrlyt52lg48ucew
privkey: 0x9f315d5a9618a39fdc487c7a67a8581d40b045bd7a42d83648ca80ef3b2cb4a1
pubkey: 0x026efa0579f09cc7c1129b78544f70098c90b2ab155c10746316f945829c034a2d
lock_arg: 0x758d311c8483e0602dfad7b69d9053e3f917457d
codeHash: 0x9bd7e06f3ecf4be0f2fcd2188b23f1b9fcc88e5d4b65a8637b17723bbda3cce8
hashType: type
args: 0x758d311c8483e0602dfad7b69d9053e3f917457d
- "#": 2
address: ckt1qzda0cr08m85hc8jlnfp3zer7xulejywt49kt2rr0vthywaa50xwsqvarm0tahu0qfkq6ktuf3wd8azaas0h24c9myfz6
privkey: 0x59ddda57ba06d6e9c5fa9040bdb98b4b098c2fce6520d39f51bc5e825364697a
pubkey: 0x02f1ec8d18e8ff13ecf7b3ab8f683d0c3a6d63478a7f7d14ca0fdfe8fea331e863
lock_arg: 0x9d1edebedf8f026c0d597c4c5cd3f45dec1f7557
codeHash: 0x9bd7e06f3ecf4be0f2fcd2188b23f1b9fcc88e5d4b65a8637b17723bbda3cce8
hashType: type
args: 0x9d1edebedf8f026c0d597c4c5cd3f45dec1f7557
- "#": 3
address: ckt1qzda0cr08m85hc8jlnfp3zer7xulejywt49kt2rr0vthywaa50xwsq0xt7prh3dy3gu9z45svp89q0d6f6c46cg9dp9mn
privkey: 0xf4a1fc19468b51ba9d1f0f5441fa3f4d91e625b2af105e1e37cc54bf9b19c0a1
pubkey: 0x02e72cbdff20422a3886ec667a138a59478d93da072173be4344c55582acdce67c
lock_arg: 0xe65f823bc5a48a38515690604e503dba4eb15d61
codeHash: 0x9bd7e06f3ecf4be0f2fcd2188b23f1b9fcc88e5d4b65a8637b17723bbda3cce8
hashType: type
args: 0xe65f823bc5a48a38515690604e503dba4eb15d61
# More accounts...
Check out specific account's balance:
- Command
- Response
offckb balance <CKB-address> --network <devnet/testnet>
Balance: 42000000 CKB
Required offckb node running when checking devnet balance
Deposit To Your Own Account
Sometime you want to use your own CKB account instead of pre-funded accounts in offckb
. You can deposit CKB to your own accounts using offckb
- Command
- Response
offckb deposit --network devnet <your-ckb-address> <deposit-amount-in-shannon>
tx hash: 0xe895970e9c75a5c4703c38a4e37b000895e7690552ba67ef82ae92109d7322fd
Required offckb node running when depositing in devnet
Use A Different Frontend Framework?
The frontend world is filled with many(maybe too many) frameworks. New framework comes out everyday. Different develops has different favors over all these frameworks. So if you don't use the framework in the pre-defined boilerplate like remix-vite
and next.js
, don't worry! You can still use offckb
with the inject-config
First, just init your dApp project with your favorite framework, say CRA:
npx create-react-app my-app --template typescript
Second, init the offckb
config in your framework:
cd my-cra-dapp
offckb inject-config
Now, when you deploy your scripts with offckb deploy --network devnet --target <your-folder-to-your-script-binaries>
, after the deployment, you can run offckb sync-config
in your frontend root path where the offckb.config.ts
located to update the deployed scripts infos for your frontend.
For switching different networks, you might need to update the readEnvNetwork
method in offckb.config.ts
accroding to your framework.
function readEnvNetwork(): 'devnet' | 'testnet' | 'mainnet' {
// you may need to update the env method
// accroding to your frontend framework
const network = process.env.NETWORK;
const defaultNetwork = 'devnet';
if (!network)return defaultNetwork;
if(!['devnet', 'testnet', 'mainnet'].includes(network)){
return defaultNetwork;
return network as 'devnet' | 'testnet' | 'mainnet';
About offckb.config.ts
is a very simple typescript code that wrap some basic info and configs for lumos. Everything is plain and exlicity so it is easy to modify. In this way, we hope offckb
is doing a very thin wrapping and is not limited to the tech selections and different ways of building proecess from developers.
If you have any feedback you would like to share with us, feel free to contact us at github or discord.